Friday 30 March 2012

CULLB602C : Task 5 Delicious

In Delicious I have started to organise my contacts and their websites to do with my uni studies.  Stacking the various branches especially of the government departments will be an extremely helpful tool.
This exercise has also helped me to answer the question regarding organising contacts and websites from my tutor.
This application within the library itself, would be a great tool as an added way we can help our clients to access information individually, help our clients to set up their own accounts and stacks, but also as groups such as classes of students and community groups.
I personally am finding more uses for these applications this year and will continue to use them to stay organised and informed.

Monday 26 March 2012

CULLB602C Task 5 - Flikr
The photo I found on Flikr is of some heritage listed locomotives and diesel engines that used to run on the Ida Bay Railway. My interest in this photo and the Ida Bay Railway stems from a University unit I am studying at the moment, Protecting Heritage Places, and my project place, is the Ida Bay Railway. Having found five pages of images I will be using Flikr now as another research tool.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

CULLB602C Task 4: RSS Feeds

Discovery Exercise

What do you like about RSS and Newsreaders?

Besides the fact that the information comes to me and I no longer have to go searching for it, I receive information on related topics that I may have missed/not necessarily have searched for.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your personal life?

Along with being an invaluable tool for my studies both at Polytechnic and university, my RSS feeds allow me to get news and updates on my other personal interests such as the Parks and Wildlife Service website and their walking and weather updates.

How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this technology?

Libraries can set up feeds for news and events to do with the library world and post this information on their websites/notice boards in the library.

Libraries can set up client specific RSS feeds/newsreaders to also post on their websites/notice boards. This could also include client/community socioeconomic information. ie; in areas of high refugee populations the library could have feeds coming in regarding literacy tutoring.

Libraries can offer to help/teach clients to set up their own RSS feeds/newsreaders for client specific information.