Monday 2 April 2012

CULLB602C Task 6: Wikis

I found the video by common Craft very informative even without sound.
After a little research, I came across a Wiki by the NLA, although it wasn't evident or listed in their social networking section on the home page.  I was disappointed to also discover that the wiki was not all that interesting, but felt it was worth a look as the other wikis listed in the Web CT discovery exercise are American.

While searching for Wikis related to Australian Libraries, I found an interesting blog instead.

On another note I am interested in exploring the possibility of using a Wiki to bring together the key interested groups in my uni project and give them this avenue to communicate their ideas.  In this way I may be able to have them communicating effectively and without too much conflict.!


  1. Good thinking margaret. You have very thoughtfully considered wiki's usefulness. I hope your mission to set up one fpr the assignment works out.

  2. Bringing the wiki's into your online uni course sounds like it would work really well, an easy way to get everyones ideas.

  3. Great idea Margaret, a great way of getting student communication and ideas.

  4. What a good idea to set up a wiki for your student learning group!
    I like the colours and back ground picture of your blog, Margaret.

  5. I liked your Libraries Interact Info blog, reading Future Work Skills 2020 was very interesting.
